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Studio 60 on the SunsetChatz

"We'll be the very model of a modern network TV show."

When it comes to television shows that detail the backstage antics of a sketch comedy cultural institutions, you only really have...well, okay, two options. But! If you want that show to have drama, and drugs, and religion, and commentary, and walk-and-talks, then you should be watching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip. We join the cast and crew of the Friday night live show at a moment of crisis - will they save the show? Or will they get cancelled after this season? (The show within the show, we mean, the show-show...well, that got cancelled).


The Hosts


Allen "Jack" Ibrahim

Allen needs you to do everything you can to not mess up the Macao deal.


Magellan "Matt" Pfluke

Magellan is a comedic genius who takes his sketches very, very seriously.


Six "Danny" Dettmar

Six ends every sentence with a wry smirk and also is in love with you.

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