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Better Off Chatz

"Veridian Dynamics: Competition, it makes everything better."

Raising a kid to grow up as a moral, up-standing member of society can be a challenge, especially when you work for a nefarious corporate conglomerate with not so subtle ties to the U.S. military. Such is the life of Ted Crisp, a dashing yet dutiful middle-manager at Veridian Dynamics. He, as well as his boss Veronica, colleague Linda, and scientist-pals Lem and Phil, must work to live in a world that tries so hard to make us live for our work.


Allen "Dr. Bamba" Ibrahim

Allen Ibrahim. Every day, something they make makes your life better. Podcasts. They make that. Silly bits. They make that. Cows. Well, no. They don't make cows, although they have podcasted with a cat. And writers, and airline pilots, and all sorts of people. Allen Ibrahim. Every day, something they make makes your life better. Usually.

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Magellan "Chet" Pfluke

Magellan Pfluke. Individuals: he believes everyone is special, irreplaceable, and will follow the thing walking in front of it. That's why he celebrates all individuals, even ones going nowhere. Magellan Pfluke. Because you can't spell "individual" without "Magellan." And "U." And a "V." Okay, and a couple other letters, actually.

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